
Women of Colour in Leadership, part 2

This workshop is recommended for participants who have completed Part 1, where we explored navigating challenges and enhancing presence, impact, and influence for Women of Colour in leadership roles. Part 2 focuses on building a personalized strategy for success.

Empowering Women of Colour in Leadership - Crafting Your Strategy for Success

Research highlights the uphill battle faced by Women of Colour in corporate leadership development, with disparities in promotions, questioning of competence, and inadequate support and sponsorship. Part 1 highlighted the insufficiency of hard work alone in advancing the ambitious Woman of Colour up the leadership ladder. Organisational leaders are increasingly recognising their role in perpetuating diversity gaps at executive levels. Extensive research has demonstrated the advantages of diversity, notably in nurturing innovation and driving growth.

This workshop is all about crafting strategy, strengthening relationships, movement and positioning – towards a more fulfilling and satisfying career.

Key outcomes for the course
  • Define your personal leadership growth plan and strategy.
  • Utilise exercises to uncover untapped strengths and areas for development.
  • Identify key relationships critical to your success and strategies for increasing visibility.
  • Develop communication skills for lasting impact and influence.
  • Network with fellow Women of Colour to expand allyship and professional connections.
Full day

Online or face-to-face

Teams and in-house