
Strengthening Collaboration

Is your organisation seeking to narrow the divide between senior leadership teams and underrepresented professionals, aiming to establish more equitable paths for advancement and fostering collaboration?

"Uncover Bias: Exploring the Impact of Cultural Diversity and Lived Experiences in Team Dynamics"

This workshop is meticulously crafted to provide a structured yet relaxed environment (guided by a facilitator) for sharing personal experiences and delving into areas for growth, with the aim of improving communication and inclusivity among diverse groups. The primary objective of the workshop is to shed light on how cultural diversity and personal experiences influence implicit stereotyping, unconscious biases, categorisation bias, and affinity bias, thereby creating layers of bias and disconnection within teams. The discussions aim to build bridges that foster open and inquisitive learning, challenging existing thought patterns and pinpointing areas for enhancing collaborative efforts. Facilitators may opt to share insights anonymously to facilitate candid discussions.

Key outcomes of the course
  • Establishing and communicating shared objectives at the outset of the sessions.
  • Recognising key elements contributing to successful collaboration, including personal values, leadership style, organisational culture, and unconscious beliefs.
  • Cultivating trust among team members across different levels within the organisation.
  • Exploring the significance of collaboration in attaining organisational objectives.
  • Facilitating conversations to assist participants in effectively addressing communication obstacles stemming from differences in cultural norms.
  • Sharing acquired insights.
Who should attend?

The course is suitable for leaders, managers, HR professionals, and team members interested in fostering inclusive environments, enhancing collaboration, and addressing biases within their teams.


Full day


In-house programme booking only

Teams and in-house